Creative Expressions

Discovering the many expressions of His creativity demonstrated through individuals in community!

Location: United States

Welcome to the Creative Expressions Small Group website! Although we are not currently meeting weekly like we did over the spring and summer, may you find encouragement through the Scriptures, quotes and thoughts of this blog!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Poetry of Expression

. . . telling our stories . . . our individual journeys with God. . . not just telling/showing the finished product. . . or rattling off a "canned testimony" while witnessing, but sharing the process we have walked that has brought us to those times of victory and God's provision. . . Could that perhaps be an art form?. . . an expression of worship? . . . that impacts even the spiritual realm? whether in speech, writing, painting, song, or dance, etc.?? " order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places." ~ Ephesians 3:10

"It seems to me appropriate, almost inevitable, that when that great Imagination which in the beginning, for Its own delight and for the delight of men and angels... had invented and formed the whole world of Nature, submitted to express Itself in human speech, that speech should sometimes be poetry. For poetry too is a little incarnation, giving body to what had been before invisible and inaudible. " ~ C.S. Lewis in Reflection on the Psalms

"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
John 1:14 is our theme verse as a small group, and I love how C.S. Lewis so eloquently articulates some of his thoughts on poetry and the Psalms...

Come ready to explore writing, poetry, and worship as some writers from Steve's small group join us, as Kimberlee and Peter express "poetry" in forms other than writing, and as all of us together share in discussion and fellowship! Bring your thoughts and maybe even a story or writing that you might like to share during our time together!


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